Albuquerque Daily Photo

Sharing the unique beauty of the Southwest United States!


Thank You For NOT Sucking!

Saw this in the drive thru at Starbucks today. Interesting double meaning … You have to suck to smoke and if you smoke you suck!  Unique way to request no...

Random Tumbleweed

There was a random tumbleweed parked in the middle of the road.  I am thinking it must have fallen off a truck because I can’t imagine where else it might...

Air Mail

I have passed by this a bunch of times and every time I say … “I need to take a photo of that!” Usually I am already 5 houses down...

Getting A New Roof

This house has been vacant since 2020.  The gent who lived there passed away.   For whatever reason the house was in limbo.  Because the house was in limbo there was...