Such pretty colors! School is out for the moment. Finals were “FUN.” Free to do as I please artsy fartsy wise till summer session begins!
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2013-05-23 20:03Beautiful collection of cacti blossoms. Always surprised and delighted by these lovely flowers. Didn’t know you’re in ABQ; going to be in Santa Fe in July. Perhaps we could have a blogger meet?!
2013-05-23 20:05Hi Kate, A blogger meat-up would be awesome! Santa Fe is only about 60 miles north of us! I would be willing to head up there!
2013-05-23 20:07I’ll be staying in Eldorado from the 5-31st. We definitely can meet; have you met Randy yet?
2013-05-23 20:08No, I have not met any of my fellow blogger friends! I would love to meet him too!