It was a beautiful spring day here in Albuquerque. It was about 72 degrees F and the sun was shining for most of the day. We has a brief sun shower in the late afternoon that even made it smell like spring! And for what it is worth the birds agree and are rebuilding there house in my tree.
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Abraham Lincoln
2007-03-09 04:42The promise of summer and what the birds will bring.
Tony Morris
2007-03-11 14:38I hadn’t looked at your blog when I labelled by today’s entry the same as this, looks like I breached your copyright! Do you know what species is bulding the nest?
Tony Morris
2007-03-11 14:39should be “my “entry above (sorry clumsy fingers)
2007-03-11 17:10Abraham, mostly what the birds bring is bird poop! I am however, really looking forward to summer!
Hi Tony, I don’t know what species of bird is building that nest but I will be on the lookout and try to get some photos!
Thank you both for visiting Albuquerque DP!