That shadow of a mountain in the backround is Mt. Taylor. It is located half way between Gallup, NM and Albuquerque and about 15 miles northeast of Grants, NM. To the Navajo people Mt. Taylor is known as the “Turquoise Mountain” and “Sacred Mountain of the South.” Mt. Taylor has a mountain peak with an elevation of 11,389 feet which is 1772 feet short of Wheeler Peak, the highest in NM at 13,161 feet!
2006-09-14 12:21Hi Helen. This photo is really amazing. I cant decide if its a cold (cool) pink or rather a hot one.
Candice & Megan
2006-09-15 08:01Lovely!
2006-09-16 01:55Thanks Zsolt!
Thank you Candace and Megan!