When you get to the top of Sandia Peak there is the Sandia Crest House which houses a snack bar and a gift shop. It sits at an elevation of 10, 678 feet and it is 14 mile drive up to the top. When I was up there on SEPTEMBER 21, much to my surprise it was snowing!
Here is a map of the peak. The yellow building in the middle is the Crest House! To the left is Albuquerque and to the right is the photo I posted yesterday! On the map you can also see a heliport. There have been times when folks go up and get altitude sickness or they have a drink with dinner and the altitude intensifies the effect and they need to be flown down!
Eric at Paris Daily Photo
2006-09-24 01:04Did you say it was snowing? Now? This time of year? Is that a lot of questions? Yes? Can we see more? Can I say Merci? MERCI!
2006-09-24 01:40Yes, it was snowing. I couldn’t believe it! This time of year the temperatures are still usually in the 80’s down in Albuquerque and about 20 degrees higher at the peak! Thanks for visiting Albuquerque DP!