This Paul Bunyan towers over a Vietnamese Restraurant at 111 Louisiana Blvd. If you look right about the middle of the map you can see his shadow. Mr. Bunyan is huge, made of fiberglass and I cannot seem to find any reliable info as to what he is doing there! This website offers some info but I don’t know how reliable it is!
2006-09-21 22:30Well someone has to chop all the noodles!
2006-09-22 01:10heheheh..at John’s comment 😀
something to do with the log industry? ‘cos it seems like it’s all over the US (?)
2006-09-23 17:03LOL about chopping the noodles!
Thanks for dropping by Albuquerque DP!
Diane Shofner Monk
2007-06-07 21:13I can tell you what he’s doing over Central. My father Frank Shofner put him there. The original Paul Bunyon that preceided him burned in a fire in 1974 when Shofner lumber Co on 111 Louisiana caught fire. The original Paul Bunyon was ericted around 1960. After the fire my father searched for another, but could not find a replacement. He did however find a large chef which he had to adjust a little. He used clay to make his beard & moustache, he had a seamstress sew his clothes & made his buttons from wood. He then was sprayed with fiberglass & once again overlooked Albuquerque. My father retired & has since passed away.
2007-06-07 23:05Diane, thank you so much for that information. I love history and history striaght from the source is the best kind. And I will be sure to publish another shot of Paul so that I can update the information.
I am sorry for the loss you your father. He was a talented man to be able to create a new Paul.
Again …thank you.
Davetta L Wilson
2020-01-24 05:20Thank you, Helen and Diane. I’ve been trying to find a story about that fire. I remember it because my father went there a lot when I was a girl. Seems like that fire lasted for several days(or to my ten yr old mind, forever).