I really think that the folks who produce such amazing pieces of scuplture are amazingly talented. This is possibly the most creative one I have ever seen. It was stunning!
The cherry blossoms are blossoming and this is my first time posting from an iPadPro. Also, my first time editing from start to finish with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop on...
I am fascinated by chain saw sculptures; the lion is a lovely example. We have a very classy totem pole over at Prescott college made by a chain saw artist.
Abraham Lincoln
2008-04-25 04:37I am surely impressed at the work with the chain saw.
2008-04-25 21:56I am fascinated by chain saw sculptures; the lion is a lovely example. We have a very classy totem pole over at Prescott college made by a chain saw artist.
2008-04-26 02:02I stopped by from Granny J’s blog. That is really nice.