The last sign … they felt the need to write it again … but in a more direct harder to misunderstand way. Â NMDOT = New Mexico Department of Transportation. Â I guess they were the ones testing the sign!! Â Taken with my cell phone.
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Article Comments
2010-01-27 23:51
I find all they ever do with any of these darn signs is write “this sign under test”.
Actually, that’s not true; ~1/8 of the time they’re displaying useful info like “crash ahead” or “lane closure” or the most helpful of all “DWI Checkpoints Everywhere”.
How about using them for something like “Travel time to Big-I: 7 min” or something… You know, like OTHER major cities like Atlanta or San Francisco?
2010-01-27 23:51I find all they ever do with any of these darn signs is write “this sign under test”.
Actually, that’s not true; ~1/8 of the time they’re displaying useful info like “crash ahead” or “lane closure” or the most helpful of all “DWI Checkpoints Everywhere”.
How about using them for something like “Travel time to Big-I: 7 min” or something… You know, like OTHER major cities like Atlanta or San Francisco?