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2006-10-14 01:33Beautiful!
2006-10-14 05:21That’s wonderful!!! 🙂
2006-10-14 08:42that’s absolutely lovely…excellent capture!
Sir Peter
2006-10-14 09:56We went to the Balloon Festival last year, it was great. The Sun was at last years event and your photo remindered me of the great time we had in the USA for the three weeks, thanks.
2006-10-14 10:18It brought a smile to my face! I’ll be checking tomorrow to see the next shape
2006-10-14 14:23Hi Tanty, Marie & Lisi! Thank you!
Your Welcome, Sir Peter. I’m glad you enjoyed your stay in the USA and the Balloon fiesta!
Lavenderlady, the balloons make me smile too! See you tomorrow!
Thank you all for visiting Albuquerque DP!
Rudy Girón
2006-10-14 18:33You made my day! 🙂
2006-10-14 20:37Helen, your post today is great. But yesterdays was outstanding. We had a hot air balloon festival for years but lost it recently. I think our un-predictable weather figured in the decision … If you have a chance share a hot air balloon night ascent. They sure are pretty.
2006-10-14 23:37Love balloon shots, this ones very striking!
2006-10-16 06:03What a wonderful photo, lifts the spirit and brightens the day!
2006-10-17 04:58of all your balloons, this is my favorite =)
2006-10-19 21:28Great Shot indded!!
2006-10-26 03:59cool cool shot. great.