This house has been vacant since 2020.  The gent who lived there passed away.   For whatever reason the house was in limbo.  Because the house was in limbo there was no one taking care of the house. The homeless got wind of this and were squatting there and trashing the house in the process.  I understand that they are just people but this particular group caused a lot of grief for everyone around. I can’t tell you how many times my truck was broken into or how many calls were made to the police and the city.  There was nothing either could do because the house was in limbo. 

The other nightmare was the number of looters who came and went at all hours. They would go in and grab whatever they wanted and walk out with no consequences because the house was in limbo and for there to be a crime there had to be a victim.  No one owned the house = no victim. 

Well, it appears that there is finally an owner and that they are in the processing of fixing up the place starting with the roof.  Three year nightmare is over (I hope)!!  Â