Blue Sky, Clouds, Landscapes, TreesFighting Treesby Helen2019-09-211 Doesn’t it look like these trees are fighting!? Pretty sure the big one is winning! Related 313 gnarly trees landscape trees trees fighting Share this post PREVRed Tailed Hawk NEXTFollow The Leader Helen Related Posts Kelly Cable of New Mexico 2024-12-10 Some days, I can spend the entire day at home without needing to leave, but today wasn’t one of those days. I ended up having to ask the workers in... The Gentle Balding of My Tree 2024-11-21 This video is from a few years ago but I LOVE the sound plus it’s what my tree is doing today. Watch with the sound on if you can. My... Midnight Sky 2024-11-13 I was sitting outside in the truck at 1 AM the other night, waiting for someone to return home from the emergency room. In that moment, we didn’t think about... Article Comments williamkendall1 2019-09-24 09:50 It certainly appears so from this perspective. Thanks for leaving me a comment!!Cancel reply
2019-09-24 09:50It certainly appears so from this perspective.