I don’t know what kind of bird this is but I followed him for close to an hour trying to take this photo. Every time I got close enough he would take off flying. In flight he was majestic and graceful. I tried to get a photo of that as well but they all turned out quite blurry!
2006-09-16 09:15it looks very indimidating with its very sharp beak. was it dangerous goin after the unknown?
2006-09-16 23:09Beautiful!!! What an awesome capture! I love him! I looked him up for you. He’s a Great Blue Heron.
See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:GreatBlueHeron.jpg
And read about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blue_Heron
Thanks for sharing this one!
Dave Whalley
2006-09-17 00:23your bird is a Blue Heron
2006-09-17 02:21Kaa, I didn’t feel like it was dangerous. His only goal was to stay away from me.
Theresa, thanks for the info and the compliments! I wonder what he was doing here in the desert!
Thanks, Dave!
Thank you all for dropping by Albuquerque DP!
2006-09-17 10:12Herons are wading birds. They spear fish with those long, pointy beaks. Looks like he found a little bit of water in the photo. So he’s just stopping for lunch. Nice, sharp shot.
2006-09-17 17:56Yes, definitely a great blue heron. And they are known to be very elusive birds. Nice shot!